Futureproofing our agriculture
100% organic agriculture is possible. Only with healthy soils, rich biodiversity and poison-free farming can we secure the livelihoods of future generations.


What is “enkeltauglich”?

The term “enkeltauglich” can be translated as “future proof” or “sustainable for future generations.” It refers to actions, decisions, or practices that are environmentally sustainable and consider the needs and resources of future generations, ensuring that they will not be jeopardised. Our name “Bündnis für eine enkeltaugliche Landwirtschaft” can therefore be translated as “Association for a future-proof agriculture” – or you can simply call us BEL.

Who we are

The BEL is a unique association of organic businesses and civil society within the organic sector. Many of our members have been part of the organic movement since the very beginning, ensuring that organic farmers can make a living from what they produce: Food that is good for people and the planet.

About us

Find out more about our history, who we are, what we do and what we stand for.

Study: Pesticides in the air

Our study "pesticides and pesticide-related products in ambient air in Germany" is the comprehensive monitoring of long-range transport of synthetic pesticide active substances in Germany.

Become a member

Change needs strong alliances! So if you are a 100% organic business or an organisation operating in Germany and supporting our cause, get in touch about our membership options.



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Support our work

The BEL initiates research projects, organises events, talks to politicians and informs citizens. Every penny helps us to continue our work towards a future proof agriculture. Thank you for your support!